10 Reasons WWE Will Belong To John Cena In 2016

Cena's career will be elevated even further in 2016.

By Grahame Herbert /

John Cena has been WWE's franchise star for over a decade now, but it is fair to say that the past couple of years have been on a more minor scale in terms of his accomplishments. He hasn't closed a WrestleMania since 2013 and has made do with mid-card heels at the last two biggest shows of the year. As for the WWE Championship, he hasn't held it since August 2014. Heading into 2016, many are tipping Roman Reigns to outright replace him as the face of the company. But don't write the thirty-eight year old Cena off just yet. Far from being done, he may well be back to saying "my time is now" and "the champ is here" in the coming twelve months. If WWE go back to their tried and tested man in the title role, it will kick off the usual round of divisive debate, but even Cena's naysayers can't deny his impact on numbers. Television ratings, merchandise sales, mainstream appeal - he has never stopped being 'the man' in terms of these important areas of the business. As for his work in the ring, he had arguably his best year ever in 2015. His matches with Seth Rollins were outstanding, as were many of his other US Title open matches. He can definitely build on that success for next year. Here's why he's getting fired up again and why 2016 will belong to him...