10 Ridiculous Wrestling Storylines You Won't Believe Were Pitched

There are some things even Vince McMahon won't do.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Let's be honest, creative writers in the wrestling world are often under an incredible amount of pressure, especially in WWE. The largest company in the industry produce the most television - naturally - which means there's an ever-revolving scenario whereby those and such as those in charge of writing shows must act fast and deliver in high volumes. There's no 'off season' in wrestling, the product doesn't take any breaks, so the creative staff must continually come up with new characters and write stories that appease management. Of course, such a relentless pace is difficult to maintain consistently, so it's only a given that occasionally the writers will brain fart out a horrendous concept, gimmick or idea. That kind of thing is exactly what this list explores, those idea that were so horrible they'd never even see the air. One of the entries actually did make it to television, albeit in a watered-down form, but the original premise was discarded, something millions of people should be thankful of! So, what are the absolute worst idea ever visualised by those brainy creative types running the wrestling world? This articles includes everything from incest, blackmail, potentially company-crippling pushes, and even outright racism. Hold onto your hats, or maybe pull them down over your faces, these ideas are wacky and borderline embarrassing!