10 Scariest WWE Superstars Of All Time

To get you in the mood for Halloween - ten of the WWE's most terrifying superstars.

By Jack G King /

Scariness is a quality which lends itself naturally to professional wrestling. For all its many, many bells and whistles, wrestling essentially boils down to a very simple formula: good vs evil. Despite bad guys of all types existing throughout the history of the WWE, sometimes the creative team recognise the value of falling back on a classic archetype - the scary villain. If done with the right blend of mystique and terror, a fear-inspiring heel can be incredibly effective. There are, of course, various sub-categories to this overall theme. A destructive monster will be scary in a different manner to a twisted psychopath - sometimes these gimmicks might even be combined. Although not used too frequently (if everyone was marketed as scary, nobody would be) an occasional scary gimmick can do wonders for the wrestler behind it. Usually they'll benefit from an immediate push due to their striking nature and strong booking. Only a few, however, are able to carry this momentum and develop their characters further. With that in mind, our list comes across as quite a mixed bunch. It features some of the most successful superstars ever to grace the wrestling world, as well as some of the biggest disappointments.