10 Stages To Setting Up A WWE Arena

Just how does WWE manage to set up a fitting stage for their Universe?

By Ross Tweddell /

In the build up to a huge event, one of the main points for debate is always what the staging area, or titantron as it's known within the business, will look like. Many speculate, but few get it right. It's what sets the tone for an event in many ways. Seeing the smoke from the pyrotechnics clearing and a mammoth stage dominating an arena can make or break the early stages, no pun intended, of a WWE show. This has never been truer than at each WrestleMania in the modern era of the company. The designs continue to take the breath away and leave you wondering: one, how much electricity is that using? And two, how on earth they manage to get such a huge 'thing' into an arena? Surely space is at a premium. Well wonder no more WWE Universe as we have gained information that reveals the process as to how WWE sets up an arena before every single RAW, SmackDown and Main Event taping. It really is an interesting look into the inner workings of the business and proves to be somewhat of a surprise. All is not exactly how it looks on television. Nevertheless, while reading this article you must spare a thought for those ring crews, that include the company's referees no less, who have to put up and then take down the stage settings each and every night their are on the road. Their hands must be made of steel, or something harder...