WWE must have been a stressful place to work over the course of the last week or so. Seth Rollins' horrific Dublin injury has thrown the company into panic stations, and will have forced the scrapping and rewriting of many long-term booking plans. This couldn't have come at a worse time for WWE, with ratings regularly hitting all-time lows, and three main event superstars in John Cena, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar taking time off as well. With Survivor Series less than two weeks away - and the card likely the result of rushed, improvised plans - it would be easy to predict an absolute stinker of a pay per view. However, all is not lost. WWE can still pull this one out of the bag, and have set themselves in good stead by immediately booking a WWE Title Tournament to find a replacement champion. It's a start, but there's still a long way to go. Should Survivor Series flop, we could be seeing the start of a depressing slide into a substandard WrestleMania season. However, should WWE pull a great pay per view out of nowhere, they'd prove themselves capable of navigating their way through a criss - partially repairing a very damaged relationship with the fans.
10. Book Semi-Finals And A Final
WWE may find themselves spread a little thin at Survivor Series, with several big names out injured (or taking time off). There's also the small matter of traditional elimination matches to contend with - a match type that keeps 8 or 10 wrestlers busy. The booking team are going to have to use their remaining resources very, very carefully, in order to at least give the illusion of a stacked show. One crucial step is the inclusion of both semi-finals at the pay per view itself. WWE wasted no time in kicking off a new Title Tournament with Seth Rollins on the shelf, and could possibly be planning to only hold the final at Survivor Series. This would be a serious misstep. Looking at the brackets, it's not unreasonable not to assume that Reigns, Ambrose, Del Rio and Owens are going to make up the four semi-finals. The remainder of the tournament should really be played out at the PPV, guaranteeing dramatic matches with a lot at stake.