10 Surprising Failures As WWE Champion

How could they fail?

By Grahame Herbert /

Every wrestler in WWE dreams of one day being WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It has traditionally been the top spot in the company, the fuel of WWE's biggest feuds and catalyst for drawing ticket sales or viewing figures. As such, it also pays well and offers a wrestler increased opportunities. But with great power comes greater responsibilities. Being the Champion isn't an easy spot, not when the entire roster is looking at you to draw the gates. If the box office is down, everyone's pay-off is down. In the world of backstage politics, those vying for the championship spot won't hesitate to point out a Champion who isn't drawing. It can be a cruel business, especially when time is often needed to establish some championship credibility. But it isn't just the pressure of having to draw, it is also the increased work load that makes it a hard spot to be in. That's why John Cena's run is so extraordinary, as he has never really struggled with a championship schedule of appearances and events. In the Network era, it is definitely a less pressured position. The brand as a whole draws and there are big attractions across the spectrum. But traditionally, the Championship spot is what carried WWE. The following are ten exceptional wrestlers who you would have thought would've been fantastic as Champion, but actually ended up bombing in the top spot.