CM Punk hasn't been employed by WWE for roughly 600 days, so it's probably a great time to assess the validity of his many claims against WWE that led to his self-termination of his WWE contract. As well, given that WWE's stuck in terrible ratings doldrums, it's likely a great time to contemplate this too, as WWE's probably going to be stuck in this situation for quite some time to come. Punk's a controversial firebrand and for some, his many caustic statements about WWE were written off a sour grapes of a indy kid who was no better (and likely worse) than the "best in the world" performer he claimed to be. However, for as much as many may decry his brash words, there's more than enough reason to believe that in the grand scope of things, where there's smoke, there's fire. Thus, I come not so much to praise CM Punk but to honestly assess his claims. CM Punk's levied more than ten negative claims against WWE. However, of his many claims, these may be the 10 that are the most truthful. While WWE may miss CM Punk for his in-ring contributions, it may be as an honest observer of the company that he has his greatest worth.