10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

Here comes the “legitimacy”.

By Edward Spence /

On the road to WrestleMania 30, Triple H coined the term €˜Reality Era€. Historically, wrestling eras are defined after the fact but this announcement as part of a promo against Daniel Bryan gave fans a new hope for a declining product. Daniel Bryan beating Triple H and winning the main event at WrestleMania 30, Brock Lesnar controversially beating the streak, destroying the ever protected John Cena and the promise of a 'Diva€™s Revolution' were dynamic events that had us excited and surprised for the first time in a long time. Close to WrestleMania 32 now, we have been witness to some things that detract from this bold declaration and threaten a return to the stagnant, predictable and unsatisfying product we€™ve been subject to in recent years. WrestleMania 32 is shaping up to be a creative crossroads just as 30 was but after being burned so many times, many of us are weighing this excitement against our heavy, heavy sense of foreboding. To help qualify our trepidation, here are 10 obstacles in the way of the glorious age we were promised...

10. Roman Reigns

You poor, poor Samoan patsy, you. This man has been subject to a great deal of vitriol from fans, not particularly because of his ability or actions, but largely due to what he represents. With early success in the SHIELD as the enforcer, Roman enjoyed cheers and general acclaim. He was an interesting if limited prospect and was even cheered over a returning Batista in the 2014 Royal Rumble. We knew he had one of Vince€™s blue chips thanks to CM Punk€™s Art Of Wrestling accounts (Hi Colt Cabana!) and WWE quickly established that he was their man. No matter what we thought about it. When the company€™s chosen one runs a program about how WWE wants anybody but him, his infinite opportunities and protection from in-ring action do not sit well with your average wrestling fan. Especially after his clean wins over a white hot Daniel Bryan and an actually over Dean Ambrose saw fans in full agreement with the heel position. In recent months it has been made clear that fan reception of other face wrestlers has been noted, but with the creative seemingly occupying these more palatable options elsewhere, people are very concerned about getting another decade of a top guy they didn€™t want.