10 Things That Need To Be In A Physical WWE Hall Of Fame

How to make an unforgettable experience.

By Tom Marriott /

One of the main criticisms of WWE's current Hall of Fame is that it's merely a "boys club" that exists solely in the mind of Vince McMahon, with the genetic jackhammer acting as the barrel chested bouncer deciding who gets to go in and who is turned away.


For years there have been rumours of WWE building a physical Hall of Fame for fans to visit and enjoy the vast collection of memorabilia and exhibits they currently house in archives. Orlando is often touted as the location of such a building and, with WWE's performance center already being housed in the city, fans could possibly be going to Universal Studios one day and WWE's Hall of Fame the next.

With the prospect of a bare warehouse to transform into a dizzying and unforgettable trip down the countless winding paths of WWE's memory lane, it's obvious that the promotion would need to choose some amazing exhibits and pieces. It should be noted that they do have a strong history of presenting their artifacts in an imaginative and interactive way with the annual Axxess event during WrestleMania weekend, giving fans a taste of what a true Hall of Fame could be.

In this list we will look at 10 sure-fire items that deserve their place in any future WWE Hall of Fame. Did we miss any out or overlook a seminal piece? Feel free to discuss them below!

10. The Montreal ScrewJob Ring Bell

The moment that kick-started the Attitude Era and gave birth to the character of "Mr McMahon" (a name that most WWE fans will have read in the gravely snarl of the man himself) sent ripples throughout the whole industry. A true game changer, The Montreal Screwjob has divided fans, changed careers, and is still talked about passionately nearly 20 years after the fact.


When Shawn Michaels applied the Sharpshooter to Bret Hart, Vince McMahon immediately and legitimately "screwed" Hart out of the WWE Championship by demanding that the bell be rang right there and then. That bell ushered in a seismic shift in WWE and could be part of an exhibit featuring a distressed announcers table and broken monitors.

Some may argue that such an inclusion would be insensitive to Hart as the bitterness from that night has stayed with him for decades, but one cant argue its importance to WWE as a whole.
