10 Things We Learned From Mark Henry's WWE Network Doc

From Hall Of Shame to 'Hall Of Pain' and Hall Of Fame...

By Jamie Kennedy /


Straight away, in the opening few minutes of 'World's Strongest Man: The Mark Henry Story', one gets the sense that Mark is legit a really nice and respectful dude.


He's headstrong but not afraid to show genuine emotion, confident but not arrogant and loves fulfilling his own dreams while still helping others. That's one of the core threads running through WWE's new 57-minute documentary, and it should make some of Henry's biggest critics revisit his lengthy career with fresh perspective.

WWE don't miss many beats here. There's focus on Mark's powerlifting career pre-wrestling, footage showing him training (and making mistakes) after accepting Vince McMahon's 10-year offer, honesty from his closest friends about his run and an overwhelming sense of family. Yes, it's an in-house doc, so there is some natural spin, but that doesn't detract from the film's weight.


We watched the thing twice to try and get to the best stories. Here's everything we learned from a look back at Henry's 20+ year association with WWE, and the real human being who lives behind the muscle, accolades and celebrity...