10 Things WWE Must Do Between Now And WrestleMania 31

The Showcase of the Immortals is right around the corner.

By Lewis Howse /

With Fastlane now behind us and several of the big matches confirmed, it is time for WWE to start hyping (and WWE fans to start getting excited about) WrestleMania. The supershow from Santa Clara, California is right around the corner. Although WWE have some of the main matches in place, a few of the Hall of Fame inductees have been named and many tickets have been sold, there is still much left for the organisation to do as the big day approaches. WWE is far from ready to stage WrestleMania at this time. Luckily for them, they still have a little over a month to get ready. The Road to WrestleMania can often be a bumpy one and plans are liable to change on a day-to-day basis, depending on Vince McMahon and the creative team's mood. Just think, star of WrestleMania XXX Daniel Bryan was pencilled in to wrestle Sheamus in the midcard before fan reaction convinced bigwigs to change course. This year there is a lot of uncertainty, with Brock Lesnar and Sting on limited-appearance contracts, the Roman Reigns experiment failing and The Undertaker's health in question. These are just some of the issues that WWE needs to address between now and WrestleMania 31.