When wrestling fans think of Edge they likely think about all the championships he won in his career and they should. He accomplished a lot in WWE with a total of 31 championships including a combined 11 World Titles. When he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2012 it came one year after his retirement, but it was clear that he deserved it. There was no question about that. His WWE career started in 1998 when he debuted as this brooding figure who was mysterious. Looking back on his career, he should be applauded for fighting his way up the ladder. He started off as a tag team wrestler and his team with Christian is arguably the best in WWE history. Once they split up, he became a midcarder that WWE tried to push up the ladder as a face. That didn't work. When he turned heel he really started to thrive and once 2006 hit he solidified himself as a main eventer for the next five years until he was forced to retire due to a severe neck injury As is the case with most WWE veteran performers, there are things about his career that WWE really doesn't want fans to know. They are topics that may be covered in DVD releases or books, but when you watch WWE TV you won't hear a lot of these things mentioned. Some of them are things that were done before WWE went PG that you would never hear about in today's WWE. Others are mistakes he made. Edge was always somebody that Canadian wrestling fans like myself could relate to because his story as a fan that lived his wrestling dream was inspiring to a lot of people. I saw him in the indies before he was in WWE. You never know who is going to develop into a top guy, but in his case it felt like it would happen simply because he had an unparalleled work ethic that meant he was going to succeed one way or another. Considering he was an active WWE performer for 14 years, there are several things that WWE wants you to forget about the Rated R Superstar. Here are ten of those things.