10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Ronda Rousey

"I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation..."

By Jamie Kennedy /


Like Kurt Angle before her, Ronda Rousey has swapped real combat sports for the world of pro wrestling, and she's done it with style. Don't kid yourself: going from a world in which hitting others as hard as possible is the law to one that requires pulled punches was never going to be easy. Physically, Ronda has smashed it.


Other aspects of the business, like promos for example, were always going to take more time to master. In UFC, Rousey was hardly renowned for Conor McGregor-like charisma or memorable one-liners during press conferences. Her strengths lay in the actual fighting itself, not as some all-round performer.

Is that something WWE would like people to forget? Perhaps, and it's not the only thing.


Since debuting back at the 2018 Royal Rumble, the 'Baddest Woman On The Planet' has become the apple of WWE's eye. No other female worker (and, to that point, few other males) can match her mix of celebrity status and in-ring credibility.

Not everything has been perfect though. Before and during her wrestling run, Ronda has done some stuff her current bosses might not want to relive...
