10 Things You Didn't Know About Braun Strowman

Black sheep, strong man, Rosebud, man of nature?

By John Bills /


Braun Strowman is one of the most surprising success stories of recent years in WWE.


When he arrived on the main roster the night after SummerSlam 2015 many responded with complete apathy as another immobile big man made 'his presence felt' on the WWE Universe. Strowman could barely wrestle and seemed like a throwback to Vince McMahon's body-obsessed days.

Fast forward some 18 months and Strowman has evolved into one of the most fascinating presences on WWE television, a human wrecking-ball that the promotion continues to book effectively. Strowman may not have a big singles match ahead of him at WrestleMania 33, but the man will be an overwhelming favourite for the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. You can already picture him standing next to that trophy.


What do we know about the man behind the monster? Who is he and where does he come from? As Strowman continues to improve and evolve so does our understanding and knowledge about Adam Scherr. Here are 10 things you may not have known about The Abominable Strowman.