10 Things You Didn’t Know About WWE’s Intercontinental Title

40 years of sheer magic, countless redesigns and a whole load of quirks...

By Jamie Kennedy /

WWE's Intercontinental Title has been running hot since 1979 (with only a brief, still-irritating unification interlude to break things up between 2002-03), has seen 83 unique champions hold it and became known as a "workhorse title" in the early-90s thanks to the exploits of men like Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect, Shawn Michaels and more.


The belt remains a beloved symbol of those who favour workrate over flash, and it's cherished by fans eager to recall classic bouts like Bret vs. Perfect from SummerSlam 1991 or HBK vs. Razor Ramon at WrestleMania X in MSG. Oh yes, that IC gold is one of wrestling's most prestigious, not least because fans have maintained their respect for the thing even when WWE hasn't.

The title's history is also a twisting tunnel network of facts and lore.


In 40 years since the belt was created, Intercontinental glory has led to promotional firsts, family ties, endless redesigns, regrettable oversights on the road and more. This list provides 10 big facts you probably didn't know about those letters IC, including the real story behind the championship's origins...