10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2004

Hey, remember when Edge was WWE's worst babyface and top class wrestling ruled Raw?

By Jamie Kennedy /

2004 on Raw was a year owned by one wrestler you're not supposed to talk about.


Chris Benoit produced in-ring masterpiece after in-ring masterpiece on the flagship show, and it was clear Vince McMahon had finally managed to get over his "he's too small" chat. However, despite having his best ever year as a WWE talent, Benoit was only really elevated to help other, younger stars ascend too.

'04 also saw Brock Lesnar exit the company, and that left a gaping hole near the top of cards that WWE badly wanted to fill. Their solution? Use guys like Benoit, Shawn Michaels and Triple H to slow-burn push an emerging generation of guys who could (in theory) become the next big thing to the "Next Big Thing".

It's bizarre to look back on all 52 episodes of Raw telly now and realise that there was a bit of a power struggle going on; Vinnie Mac's 2002 shock tactics reared their ugly head again, but a remarkable amount of solid pro wrestling pinned things down and made the show watchable every single week.

Here's what one learns consuming everything Raw in 2004 had to offer.

10. A Historic Headliner Might Not Satisfy Today



Lita vs. Trish Stratus main-eventing the 6 December 2004 Raw is rightly regarded as a historic moment for women's wrestling in WWE. However, look back on it now and you'll find a fairly-short, seven-minute effort that pales in comparison to some of the female brilliance on offer in WWE and AEW these days.

Those who lived through this time period appreciate that Lita and Trish broke down barriers, but the match is hardly some in-ring classic you must go out of your way to see. Sorry, but it isn't. In fact, some will be slightly disappointed if they hear the hype then watch it for the first time in 2023.

Whilst it is important to applaud building blocks for the women's game like this one, it simply isn't true that the match was world class fare. WWE's women had way better to come a decade or so later, but Lita and Stratus did help that revolution along.
