10 Times Vince McMahon Lost Huge Money In WWE

Billion dollar botches from WWE's Chairman.

By Grahame Herbert /

Vince McMahon's net worth is reportedly $844,856,765 as of July 2015. It is actually a considerable amount less than he used to be worth, and he can no longer go around calling himself a billionaire. Not that he'll be too worried about his financial position. He's soared and fallen from billion dollar status at several points in his career, with several successes that added money, and inevitable failures that wiped him back down to multi-millionaire status. Losing his billion dollar boss status hurts his ego than his bank balance, it isn't as if the difference between $844,856,765 and $1,000,000,000 is going to make all that much difference in his life. There were times however that did test the Chairman. He bought the WWF with "smoke and mirrors" by his own admission, and betted every cent he had on the success of WrestleMania 1. His boldness with those financial risks in the 1980's worked out. He made huge amounts of money, creating multiple lines of new revenue like pay per view and merchandising. But by the mid-90's, he was losing money, and the very existence of the WWF was in question. In the battle between his company and WCW, it was so nearly the WWF which ceased to exist. There have been several dark days in McMahon's history when he lost huge money.