10 Times Wrestling Was More Hardcore Than "Real" Sports

Every sweat-soaked, bone-shattering, attendance record, wrecking time pro wrestling was not a work.

By Laura Crawford /

It€™s a mystery as to why grown adults assume other grown people in 2016 could be walking around inhaling oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide and still not know that wrestling is fake/scripted/a work. Fan or critic, everyone knows wrestling has pre-determined outcomes and the moves are not performed at full impact. But, intelligent pro wrestling fans will point out pro wrestling is scripted and choreographed not just to pull one over on people, but to guarantee the most entertainment. Star Wars, The Simpsons and Ziggy Stardust are also fake, but that doesn€™t stop people from getting caught up in their stories or loving them for being awesome. The truth is a tremendous amount of real athletic skill and drive is required of anyone who wants to be a pro wrestler. When someone takes a closer look at the industry they see it is full of real families and friends who devote their whole lives and in some cases give up their lives, for wrestling. The road may be harder, longer and more dangerous for them than their €œreal€ counterparts, but their love of the show and the crowd is more hardcore and more genuine than any you€™ll see in modern sport.
