10 Toughest Divas In WWE History

'Divas' or not, these women are TOUGH.

By Lewis Howse /

Think wrestling is just an endeavour for tough men? Think again. Wrestling is difficult and requires a certain level of toughness, that much should be obvious. Although pre-determined, the bumps wrestlers take are very, very real. For most wrestlers, their bodies can only last so long and their shelf-life is limited. You need to be tough to willingly accept that you will be living your lift in constant pain. It's a mental thing, as much as anything. Not only are the bumps real but, many times, the person you are working with can and will hit you with excessive force. In this scenario, not only do you have to take it but you also have to dish it back out. Often these stiff shots with be the result of somebody testing you and you will only 'earn' their respect when you fight back, or if you don't complain afterwards and shake their hand after the match. For most men this would be hard but for women, it is arguably even harder. Already a minority in a business that is traditionally viewed as a 'man's business', women have to fight even harder for respect and to be taken seriously in the ring. While they may seem beautiful on the outside, don't be fooled: these women can GO. Some of them are even tougher than a lot of the so-called 'tough guys'.