10 Ways To Save WrestleMania 31

Who can save WrestleMania 31 from being one of the most disappointing ever?

By Josh Wilding /

Not every WrestleMania can be a winner, but fans have come to expect both the event and the build up to it to be better than WWE programming throughout the rest of the year. That has not been the case this year, and as the card begins to take shape just weeks before the annual extravaganza, it's not exactly a WrestleMania it's easy to get really excited over. The main event is looking mediocre, and while there are other matches on the card which certainly have the potential to steal the show, how can anyone get excited over a ladder match which a jobber like R-Truth has been made a major part of for some reason? Some fan-favourite Superstars don't even have a match of their own right now, and WWE Creative's storytelling is at an all-time low thanks to half hearted build-ups to even the most exciting sounding matches. How can things change between now and March 29th then? Well, here you will find just ten ways that WrestleMania 31 can be saved and at come close to rivalling last year's classic effort which saw Daniel Bryan emerge victorious. Will the WWE implement any of these changes over the coming weeks? That remains to be seen, but if not, it's probably for the best that it will only cost $9.99 to watch the show...
