10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

Vince McMahon = HUGE fan of elevator music, especially during WrestleMania season.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Most wrestlers get hired by WWE because they've been scouted for a certain reason. Maybe their ability on the mic grabbed attention during tryouts, or their in-ring skills marry with other assets to make them undeniable. Basically, someone needs to have an obvious upside - "limitless potential" is a go-to phrase.


Then, there are these people.

There's a little bit of everything here. One name featured inked a deal with the market leader because he was literally living a gimmick they fancied running with outside the biz anyway, and another pair were drafted in due to real-life friendships with Shane McMahon. Yep, Vince signed some guys who weren't even trained to full-time contracts 'cause they were tight with his son.

Other wild stories include a beloved WWE legend being used to prove a point to new recruitment specialist Jim Ross, someone benefitting from company management's lack of attention to detail when scouring the indy scene, and another wrestler being hired as a favour over the phone.

These were all very unique ways to get involved and on the WWE roster. It's enough to make you sick...

10. He Could Puke On Command!

Did someone say sick? Or...puke?!


Darren Drozdov sadly passed away recently, but he's remembered for his stint in the then-WWF as Droz in the late-1990s. The dude earned some fame for spewing on the ball during an NFL game a few years before entering the wacky world of pro wrestling, and Vince McMahon was intrigued.

In short, he loved the idea that Droz could vomit whenever he damn well pleased. The fed boss was tickled by this, and smelled money. Or, more accurately, he smelled puke. A memorable scene from 'Beyond The Mat' showed Drozdov attempting to vom on command during an early meeting at WWF HQ.

That's really the full story. Droz was signed because he'd gained some attention for hurling everywhere whenever he liked, and the WWF planned to make that part of his act on TV. Yes, yes that is so 'Attitude Era' it almost hurts - probably not as badly as Daz's stomach did after all that forced puking though.
