10 Worst Ever TNA Gimmicks

The worst of the worst that TNA has tried to force feed their fans.

By Aaron Hyden /

A lot of things that come to mind when you think about Total Nonstop Action are of the negative variety, and that's a shame, because we're all looking for a true wrestling alternative to WWE, not just a company that will have their legacy remembered like WCW's legacy has been thought of in recent memory. It just seems like TNA is always "one step forward and two steps back" with a lot of the decisions they make, whether it's booking moves, roster changes, title switches, marketing issues, and so on. One thing they've had their fair share of in the last 12 years is poor gimmicks. Every wrestling promotion has their duds when it comes to gimmicks, but when you're a smaller promotion, like TNA is, everything, both of the good and bad variety, stands out more. There's simply less places for people and things to hide if you aren't a gigantic worldwide billion-dollar organization like WWE is, and that's the truth, TNA fan or otherwise. This article will be taking a look back through TNA history and choosing the worst of the worst gimmicks, naming and shaming the ten that are at the bottom of the barrel for one reason or another. It won't be a pretty ride, but it should be a fun one nonetheless.