10 Wrestlers Fans Hated For Dumb Reasons

They don't call him big match John for nothing.

By Michael John-Day /

It must be incredibly difficult to be a professional wrestler. Not only is it physically demanding, but depending on your position as a heel or face, you could receive a lot of unwarranted attention from fans. Whilst the more casual audiences tend to stick to what the company wants them to think, some of the more hardcore members of the community are not shy about vocalising their opinions.


For the most part, crowd participation is a big reason for wrestling's success. It's a medium that allows the audience to have a significant amount of agency in the show. But often, it can lead to some weird decisions that upon reflection, don't make sense.

Many wrestlers have suffered unjust distaste for things that really shouldn't be noticeable. This hatred tends to grow to a point where the performer can struggle to escape this critique no matter how hard they try. Sometimes superstars can't get away with anything because once the crowd have decided that they have done something wrong, it never leaves them.

In many cases, the reason for hating these wrestlers is outright dumb.

10. Roman Reigns Is Bad On The Mic

Roman Reigns is the current Universal Champion, and he is killing it. After The Shield broke up and even during its time, fans were starting to take a disliking to Reigns. He had proved himself to be an incredibly impressive athlete and had an explosive moveset. Yet they began to feel that he was WWE's champion and not theirs.


Those opposed to Reigns had to clamour to find a reason to discredit the performer, and one of the main criticisms thrown his way was that he had a lack of charisma and sucked on the mic. This statement really couldn't be more wrong. Roman may not be in the same league as pros of the industry like his cousin The Rock, but his delivery was never bad.

His promos themselves were indeed terrible, but that's easily explained away as the material he had to work with was some of the worst any performer has seen. When given a mic and allowed to deliver on his own Reigns can be masterful. Few performers know how to utilise their position as well as him. Just watch his post Undertaker defeat segment on Raw and see how expertly he controls the crowd's emotions.

That is not a man who is terrible on the mic.
