10 Wrestlers Who Had Great Matches When Injured

The show must go on... no matter how hurt you are.

By Grahame Herbert /

When a wrestler gets injured in WWE, the old saying "the show must go on" comes into play. Many times a wrestler will be expected to get on with the job, suck up the pain and put forth the best match possible. Such is the talent of some wrestlers, they still actually manage to put on a first rate match-up even when injured. There's been many examples of this over the years, top stars who were injured but unwilling to take time off. They end up working through the pain and pulling off unlikely classics. We've witnessed men going into matches barely able to walk, yet still somehow producing the goods. Then you have the guys who get injured mid-match, they refuse to give up and somehow steal the show. Here we take a look at 10 wrestlers who had great matches when injured. But firstly, an honourable mention, in reference to our cover photo above. The Big Show almost lost his eye in a vicious five man Singapore Cane match at One Night Stand 2008. The giant was facing off against CM Punk, Chavo Guerrero, Tommy Dreamer and John Morrison for the number one contendership to Kane's ECW Title. Things went awry when Show tripped head first into the steel ring steps. He wasn't able to protect himself, resulting in a nasty gash right over his eye. To the big man's credit, he then continued with the match, going on to take the victory. It was as nasty an eye injury as we've ever seen in WWE, but he sold it like it was all just part of the plan. Given that so many people were involved in that match, we include it here as an honourable mention. The war still holds up as one of the finer efforts from WWE's ECW reboot. There's no hiding from the stiffness of a singapore cane, it was proper hardcore wrestling that night, with Show's bloody gaping eye socket adding to the drama.