10 Wrestlers More Suitable To Main Event WrestleMania 32 Than Roman Reigns

In the words of Bray Wyatt, anyone but you, Roman. Anyone... but you.

By Andrew Pollard /

Whilst it feels wrong to many wrestling fans to see a 46-year-old part-time performer headlining WrestleMania 32, there€™s also a large (and vocal) fanbase who agree with the words of the ever-wise Bray Wyatt: Anyone but you, Roman. Roman Reigns has had an extremely bumpy ride since the breakup of The Shield. Whilst Seth Rollins became a true main event player and carried the WWE Championship for 220 days, and with Dean is currently being the most popular active babyface on the WWE roster, it€™s Roman, the man pushed to the moon and built up to be €˜the man€™, who has struggled. Ever since things came to a head with Reigns winning the 2015 Royal Rumble to a chorus of boos that even The Rock couldn€™t put a stop to, a sizeable section of WWE fans have rejected the notion of Roman being the one to take over the proverbial day-glo wristbands of John Cena. With many believing it€™s a given that Roman Reigns will be walking out of Fast Lane as the #1 contender to The Game€™s WWE Title, fans have already started to voice their concern at seeing The Big Dog headlining another WrestleMania and, this time, being a cert to walk out of the event with the gold. As such, here are 10 superstars who are more suitable candidates to headline this year€™s Showcase of the Immortals against the Cerebral Assassin.