10 Wrestlers That Lied To Get What They Wanted

WWE stars have faked retirements, fights, birth certificates and even languages!

By Jamie Kennedy /

Wrestling itself used to be one big lie.


That's not so true nowadays though. The industry has willingly peeled back the curtain to reveal its inner workings and explore even the nastiest of backstage disagreements. This level of fan engagement once seemed impossible, but...the biz is still riddled with fibs.

The phrase, "Fake it till you make it" instantly springs to mind here. Everyone on this list talked utter b*llocks so they could take advantage later and/or get something they wanted now. There are faked retirements (retirements alone = one of wrestling's biggest giggles), birth certificates and even some workers pretending they can speak the same language as their would-be characters.

One of WWE's biggest names even pulled the proverbial fluffy stuff over his own father's eyes so he could do things his own way. Another star told one company he planned to leave this pro rasslin' malarkey behind - then, he showed up on the competition's telly!

These might not be the biggest lies wrestling has ever told, but they're bloody entertaining and you need to know about them. Also, good news. You'll be 10 years younger by clicking that "Next" button...

10. Vince McMahon Won’t Go National/Global

...just kidding! Yes, yes that was a lie. Sorry.


Vince McMahon Jr formed 'Titan Sports' in 1980, but he didn't take control of his father's WWF operation until 1982. The elder McMahon was a respectful sort who wanted assurances that his boy would follow old-timey ground rules by working alongside other promoters and adhering to territory guidelines.

Lil' Vinnie said he would, which was a lie. Within a few years of seizing control, McMahon Jr had aggressively expanded the WWF into a national operation, and he wouldn't stop there. Vince had big dreams - he wanted to make the WWF a global force, and that meant he couldn't play nice with the NWA or anyone else.

There's a fair chance McMahon Sr wouldn't have sanctioned a sale had he known what his son planned to do. Vince Jr knew that, so he concealed the truth for as long as possible before swaggering into everyone else's locker rooms and cherry-picking their biggest stars.
