10 Wrestlers Who Became Successful After Getting Repackaged

If at first you don’t succeed…try something else entirely!

By Alexander Podgorski /

There are very few cases in wrestling history where someone is successful from the moment they start performing. During the territorial era, wrestlers often traveled from one promotion to another, often changing their gimmicks and fan alignment to fit whatever worked with that territory€™s demographic. It wasn€™t until WWF starting morphing into the monopolistic promotion that it is today that wrestlers had to get their gimmicks right the first time or fear getting fired. That said, there have been many instances where someone€™s original gimmick failed to get them any attention, and they had to be completely repackaged as something else. From changing their name, to putting on/taking off a mask, to completely altering their entire appearance and move-set, many have had to adapt in order to find the success that had previously eluded them. This article will look at ten wrestlers who had to completely re-vamp their wrestling personas in order to become successful. Some of them were given boring gimmicks, while others were simply given good ones but the fans didn€™t approve (which, it turns out, is an extremely important aspect of selling a PPV.) Whatever the reason, once these ten individuals were re-packaged as something entirely different, they became much bigger stars.