10 Wrestlers Who Benefited From Looking Incredibly Stupid

They totally turned cringe into cash.

By Adam Blampied /

The WWE has made more than its fair share of extremely athletically talented superstars look utterly ridiculous. Shelton Benjamin, 'the best pure athlete in the WWE' as Good 'ol J.R. would often remind us, would come down to the ring flanked by his mama. El Torito is one of the most dynamic and talented little people in the entire industry, and he's currently dressed as a bull. Glenn Jacobs had to go through being a fake version of Diesel and a psychotic mould-mouthed dentist before he struck oil with Kane. In the modern era, there's nothing that can kill a crowd's enthusiasm as quickly than looking stupid. Ask Fandango, Los Matadores, The Ascension, Adam Rose, and they'd be more than happy to tell you, after they've finished weeping. The majority of fans have no patience for corporate-branded 'shenanigans' and would rather the company spent more time putting together exciting matches with fresh talent than dressing little people as alligators and giving one more reason to feel ashamed about our favourite sport. But, once in a blue moon, when the stars perfectly align, a superstar is made to look so stupid that he either wins the fans' respect or creates an entirely new life for his character. These are the wrestlers who turned embarrassment into gold.