10 Wrestlers Who Couldn't Stand Being Hated

Even some of WWE's biggest names couldn't stomach negativity from fans.

By Jamie Kennedy /

"Being heel is more fun".


You'll often hear pro wrestlers say that, and it's a valid statement - playing the baddie, and p*ssing everyone off with your antics, is appealing. Modern-day villains like MJF must get a kick out of it when they legitimately anger audiences. The wicked smile that crosses his face on AEW TV certainly suggests that being the worst is some laugh.

Other workers don't feel the same way though. Some don't get that same buzz from being hated, or at least didn't at specific points in their careers. This becomes problematic when WWE's creative team thinks it can fully control how fans feel. Yes, Vince McMahon can manipulate to a point, but even he becomes powerless when people definitively loathe an storyline/character/match finish.

There are loads of different levels hidden in amongst the entries here. A few of them simply boil down to this: WWE stars couldn't handle the heat. Then, there are more complex cases of wrestlers struggling with a one-off idea that went wrong.

Once it did, it was an uphill battle. Add ego to the mix and things can become toxic...

10. Batista

A 2014 Royal Rumble win should've been bliss for Batista.


The former fan favourite was returning home for one last run (or so he thought at the time), and everyone figured he'd be some huge babyface during the build towards WrestleMania XXX. WWE didn't account for one man's popularity: Daniel Bryan caught fire, and the hardcore fans viewed big Dave's return as a threat.

That did not sit well with Batista. He was visibly ticked off that people were rallying round Bryan's unlikely push instead of enjoying his comeback story. WWE, left with no other option, began turning the 'Animal' heel, but dishy Dave's petted lip was almost painted on by that point.

Bryan's underdog story had ruined his returning hero routine, and it was all too much for him. Rightly or wrongly, Batista's ego got in the way here. He couldn't stomach the thought of playing second fiddle to someone WWE barely wanted to focus on in the first place.
