10 Wrestlers Who Hulk Hogan Refused To Lose Against

What're you gonna do brother, when Hulkamania refuses to do business with you?!

By Andrew Pollard /

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4FZZhGPmLE There was a period of time where Hulk Hogan losing was as rare as a calm and collected Randy Savage promo or a Brock Lesnar TV match. It simply never happened. And to see Hogan do the job clean in the middle of the ring, 1-2-3? That was even more of a scarce occurrence. Now Hogan did lose from time to time, but there were various moments throughout the Hulkster€™s career where he just flat out refused to lose to somebody or would play the famed 'creative control' clause. All wrestlers are protective of their spot on the card, even more-so when that particular talent is in the upper echelons of the roster; refusing to put someone over is not something that€™s exclusively a Hogan thing. Pretty much all of the icons of the business have done the same at some point, and there€™s only really The Rock who comes to mind in terms of top guys who never refused to do business, although even he has some disdain for Shawn Michaels. Whilst the likes of Steve Austin, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, HHH, Andre the Giant, John Cena and many, many more have refused to lose to particular talents over the years, Hogan takes things to an entirely different level. Established stars and upcoming talent, both groups have been shot down by Hulkamania and some superstars haven€™t even managed to make it into the ring with the 24-inch pythons. So what're you gonna do, when Hulkamania refuses to do business with you, brother?!
