10 Wrestlers With The Most World Title Reigns

Who are the most decorated world champions of all-time?

By Andy H Murray /


Becoming world champion should be the apex of any professional wrestler’s career. Everyone in the sport is ultimately working with the same goal in mind, and whatever company you work for, securing that all-important strap of leather and gold represents the crowning glory.


Not everyone gets to make it to the top, however. There are only so many seats at the top table, and it takes a strong blend of hard work, skill, and good fortune to get there. Every wrestler on the planet wants to become “the guy,” but very few get the opportunity to actually call themselves world champion, and most are destined to spend their careers in their company’s lower reaches.

Capturing one world title is hard enough, but becoming a multi-time champ requires a near perfect set of circumstances. Getting to the top is hard enough in the first place and staying there is even harder, yet there are a number of wrestlers whose longevity and dedication has kept at them at the forefront for many years, and in some cases, decades.


John Cena’s quest to become the most decorated world champion in wrestling history continues, but how does his record stack up with the competition?

Here are those superstars to whom acquiring world titles has become habitual: the 10 wrestlers with the most world title reigns.
