10 Wrestlers You Were Totally Wrong About

Inevitable main eventers, over-the-hill veterans, and the other wrestlers you were wrong about!

By Gareth Morgan /

More so than just about any other community out there, the pro-wrestling fandom aren't exactly known for being shy about letting their thoughts and feelings be known when it comes to a specific worker in-between the ropes.


If a corner of the wrestling world feel that a talent has bona fide main eventer written all over them, you better believe they will let you know about it on just about every social media platform out there and in arenas all over the globe. And the same can be said of the opposite, with many being quick to write off a veteran worker as past their best or new face as another failure after a few poor showings.

However, this list will hopefully serve as a reminder that even the most educated of wrestling fans get things wrong from time to time.

On paper, some of these talented souls looked destined for greatness after certain company moves or character shifts. Whereas others were consistently classed as over-the-hill, poor workers, or just another disrespectful celeb trying to lazily make some money off the business at one point or another.

For better or worse, though, this bunch of wrestling figures all proved their doubters or supporters entirely wrong further down the road...

10. Miro

Those fond of screaming out "Rusev Day!" at the top of their lungs always assumed that The Bulgarian Brute had all the makings of a charismatic top face or heel.


Rather than doubling down on the undoubted popularity Rusev experienced from 2017-18, though, WWE largely kept the star away from the top of the card and eventually dumped him into a silly love triangle storyline instead.

So, when the star eventually known as Miro ultimately made his way over to The Land of All Elite in September 2020 after being released by WWE earlier that year, those who'd cried out to see the big man get an opportunity to show what he was truly capable of were understandably salivating.

And while his initial Best Man persona didn't exactly get him off to the best of AEW starts, his eventual stint as the dominant TNT Championship-holding Redeemer looked to be setting the bulldozer up for bigger things in the future.

Said "bigger things" didn't actually come to pass, however. Instead, Miro has largely gone missing since losing his belt in September 2021.

And with the absent star only wrestling four times in 2022, along with it recently being said that he turned down an idea that would've led to a Full Gear match last year, those who thought Miro was finally going to get a shot at main event superstardom as a part of the All Elite roster are likely feeling a touch underwhelmed at this current moment.
