10 Wrestling Feuds With Unexpectedly Ridiculous Stories

There's a reason nobody saw these bizarre wrestling stories coming...

By Gareth Morgan /

Were it not for the stories being told inside and outside of the squared-circle in this routinely insane business known as professional wrestling, there's a solid chance the action of sitting down to watch humans collide with one another in the middle of the ring would be, well, rather dull.


And as with just about any form of storytelling, there has been many an example of expertly weaved tales in the world of pro wrasslin'; the ongoing Elite saga being just one of them. But for every nuanced arc or glorious piece of soap opera drama, there has also been more than a few utterly bizarre developments lodged in the middle of a rivalry.

Sometimes these undeniably ridiculous plot twists in the thick of a wrestling feud can actually provide the odd laugh and even add an unexpected layer of intrigue to a programme. But in most cases they just left you questioning why you dedicated so many hours of your life to watching an industry that once allowed a wrestler to tag team with God.

So, from absolute monsters being dumped into the silliest of circumstances, to the sort of swerves that had to be seen to be believed, you likely didn't find yourself fantasy booking any of these downright bizarre wrestling scenarios in your spare time... and it's not hard to see why.

10. The Rock Slams The British Bulldog In Dog Poo

Back in 1999, The People's Champion was well and truly on the rise. And after a number of WWF Championship victories and ultimately deciding to team with old rival Mankind, The Rock soon found himself suddenly thrust into an odd scenario involving a certain British Bulldog and dog crap.


With Rocky going one-on-one against the legendary performer at that year's No Mercy, The Rock 'n' Sock Connection first had to deal with Davey Boy Smith and his tag partner of Val Venis on the October 11 edition of Raw, though.

So, how did The People's Champion get one over on his upcoming PPV rival? By having Mankind scoop up some backstage dog poop, place it on a board, and eventually Rock Bottom the former Intercontinental Champion onto it post-match, of course.

Far from simply being artificial faeces, this was later revealed to be very much legit "Dog Poop! Dog Poop! Dog Poop!" - as Michael Cole revelled in reminding us - with Davey Boy's daughter later confirming that they "could smell it from so far away" on the night.

As far as go-home angles go, this was some pretty bizarre sh*t and still makes for a surreal watch to this day.
