10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Totally Awkward

Shoving random combinations together is rarely a recipe for success...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Tag-team wrestling is something that has fallen by the wayside in terms of importance over the years. It's clear that Vince McMahon's interest in the doubles wars has waned over time, as there's been far less emphasis on tag matches in WWE since the height of the division in the 1980's. Even so, there have been countless amazing tandems in the company, such as The New Age Outlaws, The Hart Foundation and Demolition, just to name a few. The past decade has been a weird one for tag-team wrestling, because there have been so many random combinations clogging up the division. This is a poor excuse for creativity from the writing team. Instead of actually finding things for names on the roster to do, they routinely shunt a pair of guys together and call them a unit. There's little thought that goes into this and it usually ends up being plain awkward. It rarely works out well, either, and fans are left wondering why the team was even put together in the first place. Tag-team wrestling should be fun, vibrant and exist as a cool alternative to the singles ranks. All too often, WWE have ignored that concept and simply elected to randomise their teams. This article includes 10 examples of the worst offenders.
