10 WWE Matches The Undertaker Wants You To Forget

The Undertaker himself would give these bouts 'Big Evil(s)'...

By Jamie Kennedy /


The Undertaker's legend is more than big enough to offset any wobbles.


He's one of the most cherished and recognisable WWE stars of all time, and it's painful for any long-term fan to imagine the company plodding on without him. 'Taker is synonymous with the place, and his name also means everything to the proud WrestleMania brand, but there are moments and specific matches the great man would like everyone to forget.

Will they? No, they won't - some of these moments are iconic in their own special (or regrettable, depending how one looks at it) way. That doesn't stop this 30-year phenomenon from wishing upon the stars that he could take these bouts, put them in a nearby bin and then set fire to that canister whilst raising a middle finger.


They're agonising memories for 'Taker, and none of them would belong on any 'Greatest Hits' package. 'Greatest Misses', maybe. If you fancy reliving the worst of The Undertaker's lengthy career, then you'll need to start here.

Bring lots of toilet paper, because there's a ton of sh*t to wipe up...
