10 WWE Promo Packages You Need To Watch

The WWE production team's best attempts at getting you hyped.

By Kieran Shiach /

Pre-match promo packages are incredibly important, and they can make a boring feud seem like the most thrilling rivalry in existence. It's often said that every match is someone's first exposure to wrestling, and with that in mind it's important to be able to condense struggles and clashes that take place over months down into a five minute summary that gets you pumped as heck to watch the fight. You may not have heard of him, but the undisputed unsung hero of WWE is a man named Adam Pennucci, and he is WWE€™s Vice President of Domestic Television. He's been with the company since the Monday Night Wars, and under his watch, WWE have created some of the best promo packages and hype videos ever seen, regardless of the sport. One of they key things with watching wrestling is getting sucked into the story. It's all well and good admiring the moves, and complimenting a guy on his excellent heel work, but there's nothing better than when a feud can make you forget everything else because all that matters is the match. WWE have long since mastered the craft of the pre-match promo package, and here are ten of the best ones that you absolutely need to have seen.

Honourable Mention - My Sacrifice

While this isn't a pre-match promo, it's one of WWE's best produced video packages and highlights everything that was so great about that 1999 - 2001 period. One of the things WWE videos consistently do is take a song that is objectively terrible, and by applying it to great wrestling they manage to make it work. The My Sacrifice video does have a strange tone, watching it back nearly fifteen years after the fact. With most eras in wrestling it's hard to pinpoint exactly when they ended but the My Sacrifice video is an emotional look-back over the previous few years and signals the tonal shift between the post-Attitude "Invasion year" and the upcoming era of "Ruthless Aggression"