10 WWE Promos For Matches That Never Happened

Oh WWE, how you teased us.

By Marcus K. Dowling /

Pro wrestling is a terrible imprecise science. Sometimes, bookers get it right, and matches occur that capture the imagination as never before. Unique pairings come to life and expand wrestling fans' concept of what can feasibly happen in a pro wrestling ring. Insofar as WWE/WWF, in the past three decades, there have been moments that the company has fallen short in meeting the expectation of what they've promised fans, just leaving promotional pictures for the exciting moments that could have occurred. From greats like Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair to beloved legends like Razor Ramon, The Undertaker and more, they've all been hamstrung by an announced big-money match that sadly never occurred. Sometimes injuries are to blame, other times anger at the promotion, or in yet other cases, Vince McMahon and the creative team appear to get an itchy trigger finger and pull a switch that they feel will make a make a more compelling draw. In any event, these are ten matches that certainly were on the books to happen. However, in many of these matches not occurring, great moments were missed and in just a few cases, we should be thankful as wrestling fans that they didn't. Insofar as remembering announced matches that never happened, these are the memories that remain...