10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (April 25)

Was Sting losing at WrestleMania a good idea? Nope.

By John Canton /

The next WWE PPV is set to take place this Sunday night as Extreme Rules goes down this Sunday night in Chicago. It should be a raucous crowd in what is arguably the best city that WWE travels to on a regular basis, so hopefully we get something memorable out of it. What's up in the air about the lineup is the health of Daniel Bryan. It was something that we've addressed last week too because we figured we would know what Bryan's injury is, but WWE is being vague about it. Reports say he's going to miss about one month of action. Does that mean he'll lose the Intercontinental Title? Nobody really knows. We'll find out on Sunday maybe. If Daniel Bryan can't face Bad News Barrett at Extreme Rules, Nevile seems like a good replacement. It would be his PPV debut and he should have been a part of the card in the first place. One of the more interesting news items this week was regarding the use of the Curb Stomp of Seth Rollins. Apparently WWE officials have told him he can't use it anymore. It has upset some people while others likely don't care because it's just one move and every wrestler can always find different moves to do. The first question in this week's Q&A is about that one move, so let's get to it. As always, the questions were sent to me via Twitter @johnreport. They cover a lot of different wrestling topics as usual.
