10 WWE Questions You Most Want Answered (July 25)

Will Hulk Hogan now find himself erased from WWE history?

By John Canton /

This past week was one of the most eventful in WWE this year thanks to the on screen fun of The Undertaker returning to WWE to seek revenge against Brock Lesnar and also for the shocking news of Hulk Hogan getting fired by WWE for saying racist remarks nearly a decade ago. That Undertaker/Lesnar brawl on Monday Night Raw was one of the best segments of the year and really should be remembered as one of the best brawls that WWE has ever done. Sometimes they do them and they feel cheesy with guys breaking free of people trying to hold them back. While this brawl definitely had some of that, it just looked better than most pull apart brawls that WWE has done. Regarding the Hogan story, it's a sad situation because he offended a lot of people with what he said. Others might say that it's not as big as people are making it out to be because it was from a private moment nearly ten years ago where he didn't think he was being recorded and now his legacy is forever tarnished. This will be the third time that WWE tries to ignore Hogan's past because when he worked for WCW and TNA they did it then too. This time it's for a much different and more serious reason. Here is this week's Q&A covering a variety of wrestling subjects with questions that were sent to me @johnreport. Since there are so many Hogan topics already, I asked for questions unrelated to him because it's better to move on as best as possible. There are a couple of Undertaker related topics, so let's get right to it.
