10 WWE Romances You Totally Forgot About

Wrestling love that never lasted.

By John Canton /

Romance storylines in World Wrestling Entertainment have been a part of "sports entertainment" since the business began and will continue to be a part of storylines. Some of these stories are things we remember very well because they lead to high profile success like Triple H and Stephanie or Edge and Lita. A great romance story can go a long way to helping the career of both parties. Just like there are great romance angles, there are also ones that are awful and also forgotten about by the masses. These aren't the ones that are the worst. They're just ones that fell under the radar. What's forgotten and what's remembered? Everybody is different when it comes to that. For example that Al Wilson/Dawn Marie story was terrible in a lot of ways, but it's not forgotten thanks to thinks like Dawn making out with Torrie Wilson. Vince McMahon was linked with several divas throughout his career as a heel boss. That could be considered a perk of the job. A reason that so many of these romance angles were forgettable is because so many of them took place during the NXT era from 2009-2012 when WWE used so many of their divas in those kinds of storylines. We're not really sure why that is except that WWE hired a lot of soap opera writers in the last decade, so it's probably their influence. There's a common theme among most of these storylines: terrible writing. This is seriously some awful stuff where people were put in storylines, then they just ended abruptly without any kind of conclusion and they often times didn't benefit either party. Here are some of the WWE romance storylines that a lot of fans have forgotten about.