10 WWE Stars Expected To Receive HUGE Pushes After WrestleMania 31

Thoughts are already turning to after Sunday's event...

By Ross Tweddell /

Even though WrestleMania week has barely shifted into full flow, thoughts have already turned to how WWE moves forward after Sunday's event is over. It's the nature of the beast. WWE is a machine that keeps on ticking all year round so the company's creative teams are forced to work flat out all year. Yes, that is hard to believe given the abject story lines we have been afforded over the very recent past. The creative teams need to plan ahead in order to ensure that all the story lines that play out on television have a logical yet compelling ending. And all the new stories that begin off the back of the proceeding ones, take the superstars involved to the very next level. What's the point in going backwards? Looking at the Mania card and the way it has come together over the last few months, there are already certain superstars that are clearly in line for a huge push up the card. A push their skills are deserved of. The main event roster in the WWE is depleted to say the least, so Mania will be used as a platform to launch the next batch of pretenders into the next stratosphere. Maybe we'll be able to suss out a couple of feuds for Mania 32 off that back of Sunday's show... Here's 10 superstars that are expected to receive huge pushes after WrestleMania 31.