10 WWE Stars I Would Have Made World Champion

If I made the final call, these guys would have worn the top prize around their waists.

By Vince Russo /

WWE.comIt€™s funny, in doing my research for this column, I went on­line and came across many lists like the one I€™m about to piece together here, focusing on which wrestlers in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment deserved to become World Heavyweight Champions­­­but, but who never did. Considering the number of examples, I was surprised to see that my list differed from many others. My list just seemed to flow off the top of my head, because in my humble view there were just so many no­-brainers, while with the other lists, there were many €œsexy€ picks, and I don€™t know, having worked with many of those wrestlers who were chosen by others­­­ I just didn€™t see it. Maybe it was the way they carried themselves in the locker room, or maybe just the €œperception€ of what their role was on the card, but either way­­­ I saw things a bit differently. Of course, as I always do, I will have facts to back up my picks, and then of course my arguments that will surely win you over. So here goes...