10 WWE Superstars Who Had Near Death Experiences

The WWE wrestlers who came close to death.

By Kieran Shiach /

Being a professional wrestler is a dangerous line of work. Life in the ring takes a toll on your body, and fifty percent of pro wrestling is putting your trust in the person opposite you and working together to create art. While serious injuries are thankfully rare, bodies have been bruised, necks broken, careers ended in an instant. It is entertainment, but the hazards are real. Outside of the ring, wrestlers are known for living pretty wild lives. While today's wrestlers might be happier with video games and energy drinks, we're not that far removed from the days of stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheeling and dealing and that sort of lifestyle takes a hard toll on a man's body and spirit. It's true that wrestling has had more than its fair share of tragedies over the years, but as fans we've been lucky it wasn't a hell of a lot worse. There's been various scary situations that we can describe as near death experiences for WWE superstars. Everything from botched moves to devastating car crashes. Here's ten WWE wrestlers who came far too close to the end of their life.