10 WWE Superstars Who Need Their Own TV Drama Series

The Rock isn't the only potential star of the small screen.

By Jack G King /

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's new HBO comedy-drama premiered last weekend and was met with mixed (but certainly not disastrous) reviews. In proving himself competent in the highly competitive world of weekly TV series, he may well have opened the door for many other wrestlers. The WWE has always prided itself upon prioritising charisma over everything else, resulting in a consistent host of colourful characters - at least in the main event scene. Many of the promotion's best promo men have enjoyed cameo roles in TV shows, but Rocky is the first to truly lead the way - acting as both the star an executive producer of new series 'Ballers'. Although generally regarded as one of the most charismatic men in WWE history, Johnson is by no means alone in this regard. The company has seen many potential TV stars pass through its doors, each with their own distinctive style and personality. Wrestling, by its very nature, allows larger-than-life figures to thrive. Should 'Ballers' continue to do fairly well, it surely can't be long before another big WWE name is wooed to the world of television. Here are ten WWE superstars (past and present) most suited to a TV series of their own, and the perfect roles for each.
