11 Best WWE Feuds Of The Last 10 Years

When these rivals got together, the results were often spectacular!

By Andrew Pollard /

What would the world of professional wrestling be were it not for heated rivalries and legendary feuds?


Ever since the first performers stepped between the famed ropes of the squared circle, stories have been told that have engaged fans and made the wrestling business a staple of many a household. 

But more than that, people want somebody to rally behind and to cheer on - although as the saying goes, every good hero needs a good villain. And then there are those times when a rivalry or feud is based upon respect or of two popular superstars out to find out who really is the better man.

In decades prior we've seen Hogan and Piper, Bret and Shawn, Austin and Rock, and countless other memorable rivalries that have gone down in the annuls of pro wrestling history. In the last ten years there have also been many a superstar step up to cement their own legacy, and key to any great career are memorable and entertaining feuds.

So with that said, let's go as far back as 2005 and recount the greatest feuds and rivalries we've seen in the previous decade. 

And don't worry, there's not even a passing mention of Randy Orton versus Sheamus...

Oh. Wait.

11. Randy Orton Vs. Christian

Christian’s time as a main eventer may have been a little short-lived, but Captain Charisma was involved in a great World Heavyweight Championship feud with Randy Orton for a chunk of 2011.


Having finally captured his first World Championship, which was tied-in nicely to the recently-retired Edge, the feud with Orton saw Christian slowly turn heel and become a whiny douche who just craved “one… more… match”.

As for Orton, this was one of those feuds that seemed to ignite some of the fire and passion in The Viper. A talent who can be phenomenal, when he wants to be. The battles with Christian saw Orton at his very best.

This was a feud that brought the best out of both performers and saw them push each other, whilst the fans were treated to some great matches in a feud that was delivered in an almost slow-burn fashion. It even made Smackdown must-see TV for wrestling fans, purely to see how things were going to play out between these unlikely rivals.

Christian was at the peak of his singles run, whilst Randy Orton has rarely looked better.
