11 Mentalities That Are Killing WWE

These are the thoughts that go through the minds of WWE’s higher-ups…and they’re awful!

By Alexander Podgorski /

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2jvg5g_11-mentalities-that-are-killing-wwe_sport Have you ever wondered what goes through the minds of WWE€™s decision-makers when they€™re putting together an episode of RAW or SmackDown? Or what their justification is for a particular booking decision? To be honest, many of their mentalities are bad€so bad that they€™re killing the WWE. It takes a very special kind of person to work for WWE these days. Not only do you have to have years€™ worth of experience writing television, but you also have to be prepared to deal with insane working hours and a possibly-demented boss who has been stricken with a terminal case of micromanage-itis. When you watch RAW or SmackDown, you can see these mentalities in action. The structure of the show, the durations of promos and matches, the variety of moves used in a match, and even the very words of promos that are likely to be highly-scripted; all of these are signs of a bunch of mentalities that the WWE€™s top brass adheres to. This article will highlight 11 mentalities or mindsets that are behind certain WWE decisions, especially Creative decisions. These mentalities, though often based off of good intentions, have actually caused a lot of harm for WWE in recent years. The combination of too much external influence, micromanagement, and a lack of understanding of the diversity of the WWE Universe, has led to a company that, despite being quite successful from a financial standpoint, is in dire need of internal change.
