11 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Oct 4)

Rollins went for a sick Frog Splash in the Garden. Too bad he missed.

By Mitch Nickelson /

Seth Rollins defeated John Cena at SummerSlam to take his United States Championship from him. Other than that one Jon Stewart assisted win, this rivalry between these two champions has almost exclusively favored Cena. Going into Madison Square Garden on Saturday night, Rollins needed to reach down deep into his bag of tricks to find some way to get the rare win over John.


After almost winning by cage escape but foiled by the Demon Kane, Rollins did have one extremely high risk move to try against Cena and it involved a Frog Splash from meteoric heights. As devastating as this spot would have been if it connected, it did not.  That's the problem when the moves get bigger and more dangerous, if a wrestlers fails in his or her attempt then it can result in their own undoing. 

The moment that Rollins leapt off of the cage in the Garden is one of many insane spots that are highlighted this week. Other notable features include a few spots from the opener of Ring of Honor between KUSHIDA and Matt Sydal as well as two spots from two completely different companies from Tomasso Ciampa. His presence across the wrestling spectrum is something notable in and of itself.

Speaking of Ciampa, he kicks off this week's article, so let's get to it...

11. A Modern Day Rick Rude

After Wednesday night's rounds of wrestling television, Tommaso Ciampa tweeted this out:


So, I'm basically the modern day Rick Rude right? #RavishingTommasoCiampa

Referencing the iconic moment in the Monday Night Wars when Rick Rude appeared on a taped episode of Raw and a live episode of Nitro at the same time, Ciampa was seen in matches for both NXT and TNA Impact on this night. This will be an interesting note in Ciampa's career.

Looking at his Impact match between Trevor Lee and DJ Z, Ciampo busted out this sick Powerbomb into Backbreaker combo. That's Trevor Lee taking the move, who teams with Brian Myers at Bound For Glory against The Wolves for the TNA Tag Team Championships. They've had great matches together before so it could be a showstealer for that card.
