11 WWE Superstars Unrecognisable As Youths

Paige, Seth Rollins, Andre The Giant and more!

By Grahame Herbert /

WWE superstars are portrayed as larger than life characters in the ring. However, on the outside of the ring, we see a very different story. This is especially true if we look back at a wrestler's youth. As youngsters, many pro wrestlers are completely unrecognisable from their on-screen personas. Part of this is to do with the fact that it is only after joining WWE that many wrestlers take extra care with their "look" and presentation. This usually means boob jobs for the girls and muscle enhancement for the men. In the bad old days (or good old days, depending on perspective) wrestlers would drink a lot. That also impacted the dramatic physical changes that we can see when comparing before and after photos of WWE superstars. Andre The Giant is a prime example. He was a handsome man and had a way with the ladies in his younger days. There was his tremendous height, but he never had any of the excess weight that he would later become famous for. He was nothing like the ogre who fans later saw on television. The big change for Andre came with his drinking. He was infamous for putting away 127 to 156 beers in a sitting. When it came to vodka, he'd need two bottles just to get a buzz. With wine it would require 16 bottles. In terms of food, he'd reportedly gobble 12 steaks and 15 lobsters in one sitting. Combined with his increasing inability to exercise due to painful knee problems, Andre eventually looked unrecognisable from his younger days. Here's eleven other unrecognisable superstars...