12 Guests We Need To See On Stone Cold's Broken Skull Sessions

Jon Moxley may not get the call.

By Ash Jacob /

In the more recent years of Steve Austin's career, he's made it abundantly clear how much love he has for the wrestling business, and the people involved. His log of interviews and podcasts is expansive, many of them legendary, but with the Broken Skull Sessions turning out to already be a big draw for the WWE Network, there still seems a lot of fuel left in his conversational tank.


So far, he appears to be targeting superstars of his generation, the now established workhorses of the late '90s and early 2000s who had to earn their reputation through a long hard slog... basically, people a bit like him.

Therefore, the names on this list may come across as a little generic, but not only do they fit the Broken Skull criteria, they have also shown themselves to be great and passionate conversationalists in other Network formatting. With Austin being such a big sucker for nostalgia in his own right, the resulting trips down memory lane could be a rewarding experience for any wrestling buff.

12. Michael Cole

The more you think about it, the more apparent that a Broken Skull Session with this long-standing commentator seems like a cool idea. Michael Cole has remained diligently on the front line of WWE since the late '90s. He has more than his share of experience to look back on, and he made some memorable sound bites during the Austin vs. Vince feud during Jim Ross' absence in 1999.


Cole has always been professional and straight-talking, except for that time when he took those characteristics, threw them into the trash and metamorphosed into one of the silliest clown-heel commentators in the history of pro wrestling. Was it entertainment? That's a matter of opinion, but there's no denying that it would be fun to hear his memoirs of those years.

With over twenty years of sitting at the desk under his belt, Michael Cole could offer a nostalgic perspective of the business wholly different to one given by an active wrestler. It's also fair to say that he would have seen many of those legends come and go during his time in the job.
