12 Times Brock Lesnar Lost Clean

"The Beast" gets beat...

By Scott Fried /

There's no question that, from a kayfabe perspective, Brock Lesnar has been the most dominant WWE superstar of the 21st century. First joining the roster after getting called up from OVW in 2002, the former NCAA Division I Heavyweight Wrestling Champion went on a tear, racking up an undefeated streak en route to beating The Rock for the WWE Title. He would leave the company in 2004, but returned in 2012 (after a reign as UFC Heavyweight Champion) to inflict more pain.


All in all, Lesnar is a five-time World champion in WWE, a King of the Ring, a Royal Rumble winner, and the man who broke The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. But even as protected as Lesnar is by WWE's booking, everybody has to do business sometimes. And while the company has been sure to keep Lesnar strong even when he loses - especially over the past few years - sometimes even "The Beast" has to do a clean job.

This list looks at 10 times in Brock Lesnar's career when he lost cleanly. Granted, not every loss was a pinfall or submission, and some involved weaponry - but everything that happened was legal according to rules of the match in which it took place.

12. With Shawn Stasiak Vs. The Hardy Boyz - Insurrextion 2002

Brock Lesnar debuted on WWE TV just after WrestleMania X8, attacking smaller superstars seemingly without rhyme or reason. Among those he targeted were Matt and Jeff Hardy, but the former WWE Tag Team Champions weren't going to take an attack from "The Next Big Thing" lying down.


Lesnar defeated Jeff Hardy in his PPV debut at Backlash 2002, but when it came time for a tag team match at the UK-exclusive Insurrextion show in May, the future WWE Champion learned a hard lesson about group projects. Lesnar was paired up with the less-than-stellar Shawn Stasiak in a battle against both Hardyz, and ultimately, Stasiak was cleanly pinned to give The Hardy Boyz the win.

The rising star wasn't pinned and didn't submit, but it was still definitely a loss on his record, despite the fact that WWE continued to tout him as undefeated on television. For all the criticism levied at WCW's booking, Goldberg's famous winning streak was legitimately spotless.
